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sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Windows and PC shortcuts and tricks

Windows and PC shortcuts and tricks

1. ALT TAB keyboard shortcut.
2. Use CTRL ENTER keyboard shortcut to complete a DNS or URL.
3. How to ping a website.
4. How to close the last active window without using the mouse.
5. How to convert a Word file to Excel.
6. How to convert an Excel file to Word.
7. Other keyboard shortcuts.

1. How to switch windows faster when using Windows environment in your personal computer (PC), without using the mouse:

Please utilize the widely-used, well-known Alt Tab keyboard shortcut.

The Alt key reads thus: “Alt”, while the Tab key has two arrows, the upper arrow pointing left, and the lower arrow pointing right:

Please, firstly press the Alt key, and while holding it down, press the Tab key.

This shortcut is used for switching between top-level Windows without using the mouse; hence it was named Task Switcher (in Windows Vista, its name is Flip). You may press the keys Alt Tab to alternate between the two most recent tasks or windows.

2. Use CTRL ENTER keyboard shortcut to complete a DNS* or URL**.
*domain name server     **uniform resource locator.

Let’s say you are at your favorite browser, and want to open

Well, you need to type only: birmingham then press the CTRL ENTER keys.

A note: this keyboard shortcut works only if the URL ends with “.com”, I think that if it ends with “.net” or “.org” or any other extension, it will not work.

3. How to ping a website.

A useful tip about how to ping a website:

a) Go to Start menu (on the lower left of your screen).

b) Click on "Start".

c) Click on “Run”.

d) Once the Run command window or dialog box has opened, type in the following word: command, OR simply type in three letters: cmd

e) Click OK.

f) An old D.O.S.* black window will appear.
         *Disk Operating System.

g) Now you are on the CMD.exe. Usually you will see the following: C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

h) In the last line (after the “>” symbol), type the following: ping

(Replace “anycompany” with the name of the website you want to ping; if needed, replace “.com” with “.net”, “.org”, et cetera.)

i) Press the “Enter” key.

j) The IP* address (in numerical form) of the website will appear. You are done.
*Internet Protocol. 

k) The sequence of digits is an IP address, and it is the equivalent to a URL.* You can type those numbers in the address line of your browser.
*Uniform Resource Locator.

l) For example, if you have typed after the last > symbol in the last line of your CMD.exe the following: ping you will see/get something like this: which is one of the number sequences belonging to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary websites.

m) If you type those numbers in the address line of your browser and press ENTER, the webpage corresponding to that IP address will open. It is as if you had typed

n) Knowing the IP address (Internet Protocol address, which is a series of numbers in which each group between dots is always less than 256) and not just the DNS or URL can be useful for certain tasks; for example, to know the geographic location of the owner or guest of such IP address (in order to do this, you must go to Google and ask the following, for example: where is the owner of, and open one or more ot the first links that will appear), or to block a website or a hacker so it/he/she no longer attacks your website, with virus, malware, et cetera.

What has been described in the last two lines of the above paragraph is something that only programmers, “good” hackers, geeks, and nerds can do... charging you an amount of money, of course.

4. How to close the last active window without using the mouse.

Just press the ALT  F4 keys.

5. How to convert a Word file to Excel.

Or perform a similar search in Google by typing the following in the search box: How to convert a Word file to Excel (or similar phrases), and follow/open the links.

6. How to convert an Excel file to Word.

Please go to:

Or perform a similar search in Google by typing the following in the search box: How to convert an Excel file to Word (or similar phrases), and follow/open the links.

7. Other keyboard shortcuts.

In the Google search box, please type any of the following phrases, and voilà!:

you saved fifteen strokes other keyboard shortcuts

you saved strokes other shortcuts keyboard shortcuts.

The word "number" in the lyrics of some rock bands


Some 20th-century rockers who have used the word “number” in their lyrics:

Bachman-Turner Overdrive was a Canadian band. Randy Bachman was the leader, main composer, front man and rhythmic guitarist.
         In the song “Find about love”: “If you think you can help me, here’s my number”.

Steely Dan, in the song “Rikki, don’t lose that number”.

Iron Maiden, a British rock group, in the album entitled The number of the beast.               
         → 666
         (Revelation, XIII, 18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
         (In Latin: Apocalypsis Ioannis, XIII, 18: Hic sapientia est: qui habet intellectum, computet numerum bestiae; numerus enim hominis est: et numerus eius est sescenti sexaginta sex.)

Uriah Heep, a British rock group, in the song “Woman of the night” (included in the Fallen angel album): “You’ve got your number on the wall of some deserted station hall…”

Tommy Tutone, in the song “867-5309 / Jenny”: “Who saw your name and number on the wall […] Jenny, don’t change your number, 867-5309, eight six seven five three o nine”.

Deep Purple, in the song “Sometimes I feel like screaming”: “While you were out… the message says you left a number, and I tried to call…”.

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Old advertisements and products

Old advertisements and products. /
Anuncios y productos del pasado.

1852 Smith Brothers’ Cough Drops.
Gotas para la Tos, de los Hermanos Smith.

1889. Calumet Baking Soda, or Calumet Baking Powder.
Bicarbonato de Sodio para Hornear Calumet, o Polvo para Hornear Calumet.

The word “calumet” stems from late Latin calamellus, diminutive of Latin calamus –reed.

This product has that name after a Native American word for a “peace pipe”, a name given to the lands now known as Calumet City, Illinois.

La palabra “calumet” significa “pipa de la paz”. Procede del latín tardío calamellus, diminutivo del latín calamus –cañuela, cualquier instrumento de boquilla.

1879. Ivory Soap. Jabón Marfil –de Procter & Gamble.
A soap that floats. Un jabón que flota.

You need only one soap. IVORY SOAP. Pure –First quality. Not expensive. Will wash anything. No chapping. IT FLOATS.

Usted sólo necesita un jabón. JABÓN MARFIL. Puro –De primera calidad. No caro. Lavará cualquier cosa. Sin grietas. FLOTA.

– –

1930 Esta fecha es arbitraria. Pomada de la Campana del Dr. Bell.

Hacia 1950. “Y se casaron porque Petróleo Golba usaron”. Anuncio en la radio mexicana. Los productos Golba los fabrica la empresa Laboratorios Azteca, S.A. de C.V., San Felipe 49, Colonia Xoco, Delegación Benito Juárez, México 03330, D.F. Teléfonos (55) 5604-0615, o del interior de la república 01-800-700-LASA (5272). Sitio en la red:

Una competidora del Petróleo Golba era la brillantina Glostora.

Luego, tal vez hacia los años finales del decenio de 1960, arribaron al mercado mexicano unos productos para el cabello, de las marcas Wildroot, y Brylcreem.

Hacia 1950:
“Glostora y Palmolive [marca de un jabón de tocador]
fabricantes de Fab [detergente para lavar ropa y trastes]
le desean un feliz año
y una Feliz Navidad”. Anuncio de la radio mexicana, transmitido en la época navideña.

En el buscador de Google, en la sección “Imágenes”, teclee la palabra: Glostora.

Hacia 1950. Chocolatera Mexicana, S.A. de C.V., lanza Choco Paquín golosina, un polvo con sabor a chocolate en minibolsas de papel blanco con un contenido de 7 gramos del producto. Se encuentra en Francisco Villa # 78, Colonia Francisco Sarabia, Zapopan, Jalisco 45230, México. La calle Francisco Villa está dos cuadras al sur del Camino a Santa Ana Tepetitlán. Teléfono (33) 3612-9581, fax (33) 3612-9578. Correo electrónico:

1960 Esta fecha es arbitraria. Algunos escritores famosos, en alguna etapa de su vida, fueron “creativos”, es decir redactores de eslóganes, lemas y anuncios para la radio y la televisión mexicanas.

Siga los tres movimientos de Fab: lave, exprima y tienda. Salvador Novo (1904-1974).
Hoover lavando y yo descansando. Salvador Novo.
Mejor mejora Mejoral. Salvador Novo o Xavier Villaurrutia (1903-1950).

1960. Esta fecha es arbitraria.

La Holandesa, polvo blanqueador / limpiador para cuellos y puños de camisas, blusas, etcétera, que venía en unos pequeños envases cilíndricos de cartón.

La Japonesa, polvo blanqueador / limpiador para cuellos y puños de camisas, blusas, etcétera, que venía en unos pequeños envases cilíndricos de cartón.

Las dataciones en el año 1972 son arbitrarias:

1972. El Taconazo Popis, que vendía calzado más barato que otras zapaterías, en la Ciudad de México. Se anunciaba en la televisión mexicana.
En el buscador de Google, teclee lo siguiente: Taconazo Popis.
In the search box of Google, please type the following: Taconazo Popis.

1972. Brandy Algusto. Producto mexicano anunciado en la radio mexicana.

1972 Vodka Nikolai. Anunciado en la televisión mexicana.
1972. Whisky Robert Brown, hecho en México con malta traída de Escocia. Anunciado en la radio mexicana.

En el buscador de Google, ya sea en “búsqueda” o en “imágenes” teclee: whisky Robert Brown.
In the search box of Google, please type the following: whisky Robert Brown.

1972. ¡Ah qué diablo de Cantú! Relojerías y joyerías de Monterrey, con numerosas sucursales en la República Mexicana. Se anunciaban en la radio mexicana.

1972. ¡A ahorrar, dijo Arreola!  Relojerías y joyerías Arreola. Con numerosas sucursales en la República Mexicana. Se anunciaba en la radio.

1972. Yo conozco… compro con Orozco. Tienda de ropa en Guadalajara. Se anunciaba en la radio de esa ciudad. El propietario era Roberto Orozco.

1972. Minimax. Mínimo precio, máxima calidad. Supermercados en el Distrito Federal. Anuncio en la radio capitalina.

1972. Para papá que trabaja, Leche Pureza, para los niños que estudian, Leche Pureza, para toda la familia, Leche Pureza. Anuncio en la radio guadalajarense.

1972. ¿Cucarachas? ¡Guillermo Nava las acaba! Teléfono… Anuncio de Fumigaciones Guillermo Nava, en la radio de Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. 

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Disputes, arguments, points of disagreement, conflict, estrangement, separations

Disputes, arguments, points of disagreement, conflict, estrangement, separations

2013, May.
A couple walks out of their house, they go to the bus stop, four blocks south.
         The young male does not remember if he has closed the faucet in the house garden, to which a green hose is connected.
         They are two blocks south from his house and one block north from a candy store.
         He tells his wife that they should return to see if the faucet is closed or open.  Why waste so much water? In addition, at home there is a water consumption meter, installed by the Municipal Board of Water Supply and Sewerage.
         She asks him to go firstly to the candy store, as she wants to buy some chocolates.
         He says “no” to her, because they would walk more and waste time. He wins.
         Another solution would have been: "You, my wife, go to the candy shop, I will go to the house and then I will reach you at the candy store, at the bus stop, or on the way between the two."
         She expressed that she would not wanted, she wanted to walk with him.
         Finally, both go home, check that the faucet was closed, and then walk to the candy store, she buys chocolates; he, a pack of cigarettes, and continue towards the bus stop, in order to go to a mall.

2006, January.
Two teenage friends, both male, go inside an internet cafe, decide they are going to be a few minutes in that place, and then they will go to visit their girlfriends.
         Both chat with preppies their age.
         Alfred says it's time to leave, but Robert is engaged in a chat that seems very interesting to him.
         They engage in a discussion.
         Robert stays for more than three hours in the chat.
         Alfred has been gone for over two and a half hours to the neighborhood where the girls live. After greeting his girlfriend Marcia, he waves his hand to Elena, Robert's girlfriend.
         This girl asks him about her boyfriend and Alfred lies to cover him up, he tells her that Robert had to stay home to do something, by a command of his father.
         We ignore if Robert the conqueror was so convincing to turn the flirting girl he was chatting with into his friend, but we do know he can be a philanderer.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

A painting / picture

Four are the sufficient causes or reasons or principles, ontologically speaking, for an oil painting, for example, can exist: efficient, material, formal, and final.

1. Efficient cause. In order to a painting exist, it is needed, above all, an artist that make or effect it.

2. Material cause. The painter cannot make a painting without a canvas, oil paintings, et cetera, id est, the matter.

3. Formal cause. He/she will not know how to make it if before he does not conceptualize in his/her mind the form to represent the subject with the matter.

4. Final cause. He/she will not decide to make it without a finality that appeals to him/her –for example, to sell it to earn money, and/or to get  it exhibited in a gallery or museum.

Now, to paint, you need some materials:

I. Easel.
II. Canvas.
lll. Canvas preparation.
IV. Oil paintings.
V. Artist’s brushes.
VI. Lighting.
VII. A model, or an image from reality or imagination (or a combination of both), or a photograph, or an existing painting, made by himself/herself or by another artist, or a drawing...

Also, other elements are required, which are not material:

A) Time.
B) Knowledge.
C) Work.
D) Talent.
E) Patience.

Finally, some elements are needed for the implementation:

1) Observation.
2) Imagination.
3) Idea.
4) Inspiration.
5) Perspective.
6) Focal point(s).
7) Contours.
8) Strokes.
9) Form.
10) Background.
11) Combination.
12) Image.
13) Number.
14) Rhythm.

15) Golden ratio, phi  (name in “English and Latin”, of the Greek letter φ [phi] to honor the Greek sculptor Phidias [c. 490-430 B.C.]): φ = (1 + √ 5) / 2 = 1.61803398874989 ... or farther, 8/5 = 1.6 (and this “one, dot, six” is not the real φ, but a pseudo-approximation). By multiplying the number φ (phi) by its “anti-φ” (“anti-phi”), id est, by its reciprocal, you get the υnit (that is, the number one).

Let's see: 1.61803398874989 × 0.61803398874989 = 1.
φ (phi) is obtained by performing the operations in the formula noted above, id est, one plus the square root of five, and the result is divided by two.
(1 + 2.2360679774997896964091736687313) / 2 =
3.2360679774997896964091736687313 / 2 =

More simple: φ = (1 + 2.2360679) / 2 =
3.2360679 / 2 = 1.6180339...

We can get the reciprocal of φ (phi), which is 1/φ, by following the directions set by the following formula: 1/φ = 2 / (1 + √ 5): two divided by the result of adding one plus the square root of five:

2 / (1 + √ 5) =
2 / (1 + 2.2360679774997896964091736687313) =
2 / 3.2360679774997896964091736687313 =

If we already know the value of φ (phi), which is 1.61803398874989... we rather can divide “one by phi”: 1/φ =
1 / 1.61803398874989… = 0.61803398874989...

16) Composition.
17) Color.
18) “Final” fine brushstrokes.
19) Retouches and corrections.

The fine arts are related to each other (a truism).

Some examples:

Architecture and music:

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (Danzig, 1788-Frankfurt am Main, 1860) wrote that “Architecture is frozen music” (Architektur ist gefrorene Musik).

Literature and music:

Mexican writer José Revueltas (Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, 1914-Mexico City, 1976), in his story “What only one [and no one else] listens to” (“Lo que sólo uno escucha”) narrates a miracle occurred in a seemingly ordinary day in the life of Rafael, a married violinist, an alcoholic, that does not dare to tell his wife that he has “accomplished the greatest imaginable feat”: he managed to play a high level piece of music, thanks to his mastery.
         José Revueltas had a brother violinist, talented composer, and alcoholic, in his day despised by the musicians, record producers and politicians of Mexico City, because of his political affiliation: Socialist: Silvestre Revueltas (1899-1940).

Music, literature, and painting (and dance):

There are at least two songs from rock groups that deal about pictures.

1) One is from the British rock band Dire Straits.
         It was composed by Scottish guitarist and vocalist Mark Knopfler, and is called “In the gallery”. It was included in the eponymous album Dire Straits, in 1978.
         It's about a painter –Harry*– that was despised in life, and after his death, his works were exhibited and put up for sale in a gallery.

*He was actually a sculptor of the city of Leeds, England, Harry Philips.

On youtube you can hear this song:

In the gallery ← (please click)

In the gallery

Harry made a bareback rider, proud and free, upon a horse.
and a fine coal miner for the NCB* that was a fallen angel,
and Jesus on the cross.
A skating ballerina, you should have seen her do the skater’s waltz.

*National Coal Board, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Some people have got to paint and draw.
Harry had to work in clay and stone.
Like the waves coming to the shore, it was in his blood and in his bones.

He was ignored by all the trendy boys in London, yes an in Leeds.
He might as well have been making toys or strings of beads.
He couldn’t be; no, he couldn’t be in the gallery, no, no, in the

And then you get an artist, he says he doesn’t want to paint at all.
He takes an empty canvas and sticks it on the wall.
The birds of a feather all the phonies and all of the fakes.

While the dealers they get together and they decide who gets the breaks.
And who’s going to be, hu-huh, who’s going to be in the gallery, in the gallery.

No lies, he wouldn’t compromise, no junk, no string.
And all the lies we subsidize that just don’t mean a thing, thing.

I’ve got to say he passed away in obscurity.
And now all the vultures, they’re coming down from the tree.
He’s going to be, yeah, he’s going to be in the gal-gal-gallery, yeah, in the gallery.

Harry made a bareback rider, made a bareback rider...

2) The second song is performed by the British rock group Uriah Heep, 1977. It was composed by a musician named Jack Williams, and was entitled “The dance”. Included in the album Innocent victim, has “strange and fantastic lyrics”, framed in a “hypnotic music”
         The vocalist is John Lawton.
         This second song, besides including music and painting, contains dance, at least in the lyrics or literature.

On youtube you can hear this song:

The dance ← (please click)

The dance

See the picture in the hall, framed in magic on the wall.
Ain’t it funny how it glows?, what’s on the inside no one knows.
What makes this picture so inviting to those who stand outside it.
Maybe it’s the dancers or maybe it’s the dance the dancer dances.

Thousands fill the gallery, they paid their price to see a dream
they can make believe for free.
Two hours’ worth of fantasy.
Maybe they pretend the picture’s them, or maybe
they just love to sit and blend.
Maybe it’s the dancer, or maybe it’s the dance the dancer dances.

Tonight the picture has no frame, colours unleash
and float away, to each and every one of you.
Tonight the spirit brings the news. You become a part of it all.
Thousands turn to one in the hall, you become the dancer, and
we become the dance the dancer dances…

The dance… the dance… the dance… the dance...


By  Alejandro Ochoa G.
Guadalajara, State of Jalisco, Mexico.

Please excuse me for any grammar and/or spelling errors. Spanish is my mother tongue.